Students’ learning outcomes are the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities that students are expected to acquire as a result of completing a course or program. These outcomes can include cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills, as well as the ability to apply knowledge in real-world situations. Examples of student learning outcomes may include being able to analyze data, solve problems, communicate effectively, work in teams, and apply critical thinking skills. They are often used as a means of assessing the effectiveness of educational programs and measuring student progress over time.  The students’ learning outcomes are aligned with the Bloom’s Cognitive Model as follows:

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, includes six cognitive levels of learning: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating. These levels represent different levels of mastery of a subject or skill, and can be used to guide the development of learning objectives and assessments.

  1. Remembering: recalling previously learned information
  2. Understanding: Comprehending the meaning of the information
  3. Applying: Using the information in a new situation
  4. Analyzing: Breaking down the information into parts and understanding the relationships among them
  5. Evaluating: Making judgments about the value or quality of the information
  6. Creating: Using information to generate a new product or idea.