Course Title: Management in Agricultlural Extension
Course Code: AEE-701
Course Credit Hours: 3(2+1)
Prerequisites: None

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Understand concept of management in agricultural extension
  • Coordinate among nation building departments
  • Apply principles of management in real life situation


Functions and objectives of extension management. The organization and administration of extension at different administrative tiers. Coordinative capacity of the Department of Agriculture (Extension) with the nation building departments, research organizations and related universities. Role of different administrative heads (agricultural extension) in planning and coordinating resources and delegating authority. Meaning and objectives of supervision. Principles of supervision. Staff recruitment, placement, training, counselling, job description, promotion and salary adjustment. Effective team building. Leadership vs management. Leadership theories and styles. Appraisal and improvement of administrative and supervisory activities.

Books Recommended

  1. Berkley, J , D. 2008. Leadership Handbook of Management and Administration. Baker Books Publishers, USA.
  2. Kathikeyan, C., R. Sendikumar, and D. Jaganathan.2007. A textbook of Agricultural Extension Management. Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, India.
  3. Certo, S. C. 2006. Supervision Concepts and Skill Building. (5th ed.). McGraw Hill/Irwin, Boston, USA.
  4. Lefton, R. E. 2005. New Leadership through People Skills. McGraw Hill Education, Europe.
  5. Daft, R. L., M. Kendrick and N. Vershinina. 2010. Management. Cengage Learning Publishers, UK.

Course Title: Programme Planning
Course Code: AEE-703
Course Credit Hours: 3(2+1)
Prerequisites: None

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Understand the concept, scope and role of programme planning
  • Analyse the role of change agents in programme planning
  • Differentiate between long term and short term programme planning
  • Apply various programme planning models in extension


Planning” for social change. Planned versus unplanned change. Functions of planning. Democratic versus autocratic programme planning. Planning extension education programmes. Involving people at grass roots level in the planning process. Role of change agents (extension workers) in program planning. Identifying the gaps between planning theories and practices. Long-ten, short term, tactical, and strategic planning. Programme planning models, their review, analysis, and application.


The students will be given assignments to plan an agricultural extension education programme for a typical Pakistani village/farming community and will make presentation.

Books Recommended

  1. Boyle, P. G. 1981. Planning Better Program. McGraw llill. Book Company, New York. USA.
  2. Caffarella, R. S., S. R. Daffron, and R. M. Cervero. 2013. Flaming Programmes for Adult Learners (3rded.). Wiley Publishers, USA.
  3. Joseph, S., W. Harry, P. Hatry, E. N. Kathryn. 2010. Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation. (3rded.). Jossy Bass, SanFrancisco, USA.
  4. Ray, G. L. 2006. Extension Communication and Management. Kalyani Publishers, India.
  5. Timmreck, T. C. 2003. Flaming, Program Development, and Evaluationz A Handbook for Health Promotion, Aging, and Health Services. Jones and Bartlett Learning Publishers, USA.

Course Title: International Agricultlural Extension Systems
Course Code: AEE-705
Course Credit Hours: 3(2+1)
Prerequisites: None

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Compare various extension systems in selected countries
  • Analyse strengths and weaknesses of the extension systems
  • Identify limitations of agricultural extension systems


Review of extension systems in selected Asian countries: agricultural extension of Pakistan, agricultural extension in Bangladesh; Farmers’ Association in Malaysia; agricultural development through participation of small farmers in Afghanistan; farmers’ training and functional literacy in India; agricultural extension service in Japan with special reference to training of rural youth. Fanners’ training programmes in selected developing countries with special reference to small farmers. Agricultural extension systems in developed countries i.e. USA, Canada, UK, China etc.


The students will review and critically analyse extension systems of given countries. They will also present the same in the class.

Books Recommended

  1. Botha, N. 2004. Contracting for Agricultural Extension: International Case Studies and Emerging Practices: A Book Review from: Journal of Rural Studies. Elsevier Publishers, USA.
  2. Ponniah, A., R. Puskur, S. Workneh and D. Hoekstm. 2008. Concepts and Practices in Agricultural Extension in Developing Countries: A Source Book. IFPRI (lntemational Food Policy Research Institute), Washington, DC, USA.
  3. Rivera, W. M. 2001. Agricultural and Rural Extension Worldwide: Options for Institutional Reforms in Developing Countries. FAO, Rome, Italy.
  4. Anandajayasekeram P, R. Puskur, S. Workneh and D. Hoekstra. 2008. Concepts and Practices in agricultural extension in developing countries: A source book. IFPRI (International Food Policy Research lnslilulc). Washington. DC, USA. and ILRI (international Livestock Research Institute). Nairobi.
  5. Memon. R. A. and E. Bushir. (Eds). 1997. Extension Methods(2″ cd.). National Book Foundation. Islamabad.

Course Title: Advance Research Methods
Course Code: AEE-702
Course Credit Hours: 3(2+1)
Prerequisites: None

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Identify and synthesize research questions
  • Collect, analyses and interpret research data
  • Critically analyse various methods of qualitative and quantitative research
  • Prepare research proposals


Selecting and synthesizing research problem. Hypotheses formulation. Conducting review of literature. Planning, developing, and critically analyzing research proposals. Ethical principles and constraints for planning, conducting, and reporting research in agricultural Extension. Introduction to research designs. Defining population and selecting samples. Choosing alternative methods for data collection. Determining reliability and validity of the research instrument. Selecting and applying appropriate statistical techniques for data analysis. Qualitative research design. Types of qualitative research: observations, key informant interviews, focused group discussions, life histories etc. Data collection techniques and instruments used in qualitative research. Qualitative data analysis: grounded theory, content analysis, ethnography etc. Using SPSS and Nvivo for data analysis.


The students will review and critically analyse extension systems of given countries. They will also present the same in the class.

Books Recommended

  1. Babbie, E. R. 2013. ThePracticeof Social Research. (13th ed.). Cengage Learning, USA.
  2. Best, J.W., and J.Kahn. 2009. Research in Education (20th hed.). PHI Learning Private Ltd. USA.
  3. Bhattacherjee, A. 2012. Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practice (2″ded.). University or South Florida, USA.
  4. Creswell, J. W. 2008. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Sage Publications, USA.
  5. M. D. Gall, M. D., Gall, J. P. and and Borg, W. R. 2006. Educational Research: An Introduction (8th Ed.)Longman Inc., New York, USA.
  6. George, D. and P. Mallery. 2013. IBM SPSS Statistics 21 Step by Step: A simple Guide and reference. (13th ed.). IBM Statistic Division, USA.
  7. Jergensen, K. B. And L. E. Jensen. 2011. Introduction to Nvivo 9.0. Aarhus University, Denmark.

Course Title: Monitoring and Evaluation in Agricultural Extension
Course Code: AEE-704
Course Credit Hours: 3(2+1)
Prerequisites: None

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Understand the concepts, scope and role of monitoring and evaluation
  • Analyse the importance of evaluation for the future programmes
  • Develop data collection instruments and analysis procedures for programme evaluation
  • Prepare the evaluation reports


Evaluation: concept, objectives, process and types of monitoring and evaluation. Basic principles and role of monitoring and evaluation in agricultural extension. Evaluation standards. Participatory monitoring and evaluation. Determining the types and the sources of data collection for an evaluation study. Data collection methods. Designing data collection instruments, interview techniques. Practical problems in data collection, data analysis and interpretation. Writing monitoring and evaluation report. Utilization of evaluation results.Use of Nvivo software for evaluation.


The students will be required to review critically monitoring and evaluation reports of development of research projects. They have to identify strengths and weaknesses of the report(s). Each student will select an extension programme/project/activity for evaluation. The student(s) will plan and conduct evaluation and submit the report.

Recommended Books

  1. Glenaffric, 2007. Six Steps to Effective Evaluation: A Handbook for Program and Project Managers. Jisc. California, USA.
  2. Gudda, P. 2011. A Guide to Project Monitoring and Evaluation. Author House Publishers, UK.
  3. Wholey, J . S., 1-1. P. Harty and K. E. Newcomer. (Eds.). 2004. Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation. Jossey Bass Publishers, USA.
  4. Worthen, B. R., J. R. Sanders and J. L. Fitzpatrik. 2003. Program Evaluation; Alternative Approaches and Practical Guidelines (3rd ed.). Allyn and Bacon, USA.
  5. Patton, M. Q. 2014. Qualitative Research& Evaluation Methods. (4″ed.). Sage Publications, Inc. USA.
  6. QSR. 2014. Nvivo 10 for Windows, Getting Started. QSR International, Australia.

Course Title: Development of Training Program
Course Code: AEE-706
Course Credit Hours: 3(2+1)
Prerequisites: None

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Plan and conduct Trainings programmes
  • Develop Trainings suppon materials
  • Evaluate training programmes


Training: concept. Strategies. Purposes, principles and importance. Training needs assessment. Organization of training programmers: curriculum development. Formulation of training objectives. Identification and organization of contents. Training materials and techniques. Developing training support material. Developing and conducting effective trainings. Factors affecting efficiency of trainings. Evaluating training effectiveness.


Students will prepare different training modules for farmers/professionals.

Text Books

  1. Ghatak, S., &Ingersen, S. (1984). Agriculture and Economic Development. Harvester Press.

Suggested Readings

  1. Bccby. M. E. I996. Training Module: Deliver Effective Training. Crisp Publication Inc.. USA.
  2. Bumard. P. 2009. Interpersonal Skills Training: Book of Activities. Viva Books Pvt. le.. New Delhi. India.
  3. FAQ. 2002. Training Manual for Trainers. FAO. Rome. llaly.
  4. Sardar, N. K. 20l0. Approaches to Training and Development. Manglan Publications. India.
  5. Spinks. T. and P. Clements. 2009. Facilitating Learning. Viva Books Pvt. le.. New Delhi. India.

Course Title: Modern Agricultural Extension Methods
Course Code: AEE-708
Course Credit Hours: 3(2+1)
Prerequisites: None

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Identify various extension leaching methods
  • Analyze the strengths and weakness of various extension teaching methods
  • Pumice teaching methods
  • Identify ways of involving local institutions in extension leaching


Extension teaching methods. their mails. demerits. and applicability. Effects of various extension leaching methods at different stages of adoption of farm and home practices. Personal versus impersonal extension teaching methods and their significance. Ways of involving local institutions in extension teaching. Critical analysis of alternative extension methods. Recent advances in agricultural extension method:


Students will plan. Analyze. and apply given extension teaching method in simulated situation

Books Recommended

  1. Buklhari’. 2006. Mass Media and Methods of Education?
  2. Malhialagan P. 2005. Textbook of Animal Husbandry and Livestock Extension. International Book Distributing Co.
  3. Mcmon. R. A. and e. Bashir. 1997. Extension Methods.(2″ at). National Book Foundation. Islamabad.
  4. Muhammad. S. 2005. Agricultural Extension: Strategies and Skills. Unitech Communication. Faisalabad.
  5. Namla. 2007. Dynamics of Mass Communication: Theory and Practical??
  6. Ramchandni. 2004. Modem Methods and Techniques of Teaching??
  7. Ray. G.L.2006. Extension Communication and Management. Kalyani Publishers India.

Course Title: Thesis Research Work
Course Code: AEE-710
Course Credit Hours: 10(0+10)
Prerequisites: None