Faculty Member
Name Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani
Designation Professor & Chairman
Qualification Ph. D  (SAU)
Research Interest IPM, Biological control ,Plant Protection
Approved Supervisor HEC Supervisor
Email ianizamani@sau.edu.pk
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Faculty Member
Name Dr. Abdul Mubeen Lodhi
Designation Professor
Qualification Ph. D (KU)
Research Interest Plant Pathology, Postharvest, IPDM, Molecular fungal systematics, Plant Disease Diagnosis
Approved Supervisor HEC Supervisor
Email amlodhi@sau.edu.pk
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Faculty Member
Name Dr. Rehana Naz Syed
Designation Professor
Qualification Ph.D. (Germany)
Ressearch Interest Diagnosis and Management of Fungal Plant Diseases
Approved Supervisor HEC Supervisor
Email rnsyed@sau.edu.pk
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Faculty Member
Name Dr. Muhammad Ali Khanzada
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification Ph. D (KU)
Research Interest Plant Protection
Approved Supervisor HEC Supervisor
Email makhanzada@sau.edu.pk
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Faculty Member
Name Mr. Khalid Hussain Qureshi
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M. Sc (Agri.) Hons
Research Interest Plant Protection
Approved Supervisor HEC Supervisor
Email khqureshi@sau.edu.pk
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Faculty Member
Name Dr. Sohail Ahmed Otho
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification Ph. D (China)
Research Interest Agriculture Entomolgy
Approved Supervisor HEC Supervisor
Email saotho@sau.edu.pk
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Faculty Member
Name Dr. Jam Ghulam Mustafa Sahto
Designation Lecturer
Qualification Ph. D (SAU)
Research Interest IPM, Organic Farming, FFS,
Approved Supervisor HEC Supervisor
Email jamsahto@sau.edu.pk
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Faculty Member
Name Dr. Abdul Waheed Solangi
Designation Lecturer
Qualification Ph. D (China)
Research Interest Agriculture Entomolgy & pest Control
Approved Supervisor HEC Supervisor
Email waheedsolangi@sau.ed.pk
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