Directorate of Advanced Studies and Research
Postgraduate degree program is offered by almost all departments since the establishment of the University in 1977. The program was initially administered by the Directorate of Advanced Studies and Research, and now the Directorate of Advanced Studies – after the establishment of a new Directorate of Research in 2010. Postgraduate degree program includes Master’s, M.Phil and PhDs in various disciplines of agriculture and animals sciences. Each faculty has different degree program and syllabus. However, degree offering departments within faculty are listed as follows:
Faculty of Crop Production
Agronomy; Biotechnology; Crop Physiology; Food Technology; Horticulture; Plant Breeding and Genetics; and, Soil Science.
Faculty of Crop Protection
Entomology; Plant Pathology; and, Plant Protection.
Faculty of Agricultural Social Sciences
Agri. Economics; Agri. Education Extension; Rural Sociology; and, Statistics.
Faculty of Agricultural Engineering
Basic Engineering; Energy & Environment; Farm Power and Machinery; Farm Structure; Irrigation & Drainage; and, Land & Water Management
Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences
Anatomy & Histology; Animal Breeding & Genetics; Animal Nutrition; Animal Product Technology; Animal Reproduction; Livestock Management; Poultry Husbandry; Surgery and Obs.; Vet. Physiology & Biochemistry; Vet. Microbiology; Vet.Pharmacology; Veterinary Medicine; Veterinary Parasitological; and, Veterinary Pathology.